Guru Nanak Dev the founding father of Sikhism spent greatest of his existence in Punjab, besides for his 4 lengthy travels which took him to all locations of the recognized international at that time!!. He traveled to Mecca and Baghdad and later to Dacca and Ceylon, Nanak spent all his existence in West Punjab that is now a part of Pakistan!!. Many miracles to him whilst he lived within side the Punjab and those locations wherein he confirmed that he changed into a prophet... The locations of his miracles have gurdwaras constructed to commemorate the ones events. Entire West Punjab with Sikh gurdwaras and aleven though a few have decayed as greatest Sikhs left for India after 1947, the holiest of them and are in excellent condition...

The Pakistan authorities has installation an enterprise known as the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (PSGPC) which appears after the Sikh holy locations and gurudwaras... The chairman through the Pakistan authorities, but contributors are Sikhs who're settled in Pakistan... The PSGPC receives finances from the Pakistan authorities and additionally donations from the Sikh diaspora with inside the UK, Canada, and the us and makes use of the cash for the protection of those holy locations...

I may also point out that the Pakistan charter preamble and Article 20 assure freedom of worship to all minorities!!. In practice, there can be aberrations at a few locations, but generally, a massive Hindu, Sikh, Shia and Christian minority stay in Pakistan!!. Within the ambit of the charter Sikh holy locations and periodical celebrations of Sikh fairs out and vacationers from everywhere in the international go to Pakistan...

I had a splendid preference to go to the holy Sikh locations in Pakistan. In particular, the 2 greatest well-known locations that have gurdwaras at Panja Sahib (near Peshawar) and Dera Baba Nanak (wherein Guru Nanak spent the final 15 years of his existence)... I my risk years again and visited each those holy locations. The gurdwaras are maintained and annual gurupurab fairs on all Sikh holy days out. It changed into an raising revel in and one wonders why partition took place. Punjab changed into usually one entity and dividing it changed into like slicing the umbilical twine of twins... This is, but, records and I have to upload that I changed into acquired and feted in Pakistan. I changed into in Pakistan for every week and for me its a go to to cherish and remember.