Computer networks that use the TCP/IP protocol suite to ease the creation of data connections in the ever-shrinking amounts of time available for them...

The Internet is a network, not a single network. It is a network of networks, not a single network. It is a system of networks, not a single one.

Internet is the collection of data and information available to everyone and the network is the set of physical fiber-optic lines that carry that information and data from one point to another!!. Internet is the collection of data and information available to everyone, and the network is the set of physical fiber-optic lines that carry that information and data from one point to another!!. Network is the set of physical fiber-optic lines that carry information and data from one point to another. Internet is ____.

The Internet is the largest communication network in the world, consisting of billions of devices, machines, and people. The Internet is a series of networks, the largest of which is the global network of fiber-optic cables (called the Internet backbone). The other networks are regional networks that connect to the Internet backbone. The regional networks connect to the Internet through the backbone.

The Internet is a network of networks, a network of networks that provides connectivity across the world. It is a collection of millions of nodes that are connected together using various communication protocols. Each node contains a data storage and processing unit, a set of communication units and a power source. The Internet is a giant network of these nodes.

Internet and network are two words often used interchangeably. But, they have different meanings and functions. The Internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate with each other. The network is a collection of wires, cables and nodes that carry data from one place to another.

Why Is the Internet a network


The internet is a network of computers. It is a giant network of computers that people use to connect to other people and share information. The internet is a giant network of computers made up of many different networks and computers. It is made up of many different networks and computers, which are connected together to form a giant network.

Internet is often called a network of networks, and it's accurate. It's a collection of different networks, all which are connected to one another. For example, the Internet has interconnected networks such as the Internet Protocol (IP) network, the World Wide Web (WWW) network, and the email network...

It also has intersecting networks such as the domain name system (DNS) network and the text message network.

It is a collection of millions of routers, switches, and other devices connected by communications cables and fiberoptics... It is the world's largest collection of routers and switches, all connected to one another. The Internet is made up of many smaller networks, which are also networks of networks.

many networks. It is a giant web of connections between computers that are linked together by hardware and software. This allows information to be sent from one computer to another over the internet much faster and more than if it were being sent over a traditional, physical network... The internet is often referred to as the world's network, because it is a network that is used by millions of users all over the world.

It is a large interconnection system of computer networks and other electronic networks that use a common system of communication and transmission protocols... The Internet is made up of billions of interconnected networks, much like the human body, which work together to provide users with unique and valuable resources... The Internet is a collection of networks, each with its own purpose, that work together to provide users with access to a variety of online services and content...

What is the relationship between network and Internet

The Internet is the world’s largest network, and the backbone of the Internet is made up of large networks called “backbones.” Backbones are the high-capacity transmission lines that connect major Internet sites together. Backbones send data from one part of the Internet to another. They are the core of the Internet and make it possible for people and computers to exchange data with one another.

The Internet is the world’s largest network, connecting people and information across continents. But the Internet is much more than a network. It’s a platform for innovation, a means of communication and education, and a tool for accessing information and services. The Internet would not be possible without the network, which is the backbone of the Internet.

The Internet is a network of connected computers, telephones and other electronic devices. The Internet is made up of a complex network of interconnected computers and telephone lines, also known as a network. The Internet would not exist without the network that serves as its backbone, providing a way for computers and other devices to communicate with one another...

The Internet is a system of computer networks that allows people and businesses to exchange information and communicate over long distances. The largest network in the Internet is called the internet, which is a network of computers and telephone lines that transmit information over long distances... The internet is a network of networks, which means that it is a network of smaller networks that are connected together. The other networks in the internet are called intranets, which are like the internet but are used only by a single organization rather than being shared by the public.

The Internet is a vast network of computers and other devices connected together. The Internet is a collection of networks, including private networks and public networks such as the Internet. The Internet is also an enormous collection of websites, apps, and other digital content and services. The Internet is a network of networks and the Internet is the collection of websites, apps, and other digital content and services.

What exactly is Internet?

The Internet is the world's largest network. It's a series of cables and radio signals that lets people send and receive information from almost anywhere. The Internet is used for an incredible variety of purposes, from sharing family photos to running large businesses. It has changed the way we live, work, and communicate.

The Internet is a global system of computers and computer networks. It is a network of networks, which means that it is made up of a collection of smaller networks that are joined together. The Internet is a powerful tool that has transformed the way we live and work. It is used for a wide range of activities and purposes, including keeping in touch with friends and family, shopping, watching videos and listening to music, finding out facts and figures, and much more.

The Internet is a collection of networks that are joined together to form a single, large network. The Internet is also known as the World Wide Web, and it is the largest network in the world. The Internet is used for a variety of purposes, including conducting business, keeping in touch with friends and family, and finding information. Many people use the Internet on a daily basis, and it has become an essential part of modern life.

The Internet is a network of computers and other devices that can exchange data and information. It is also known as the World Wide Web or Web. The Internet is the world's largest network. It consists of millions of computers and other devices, all connected together.

The Internet is a network of computers and other devices that allows people and businesses to connect and exchange information and ideas. It's a complex network made up of many smaller networks and has evolved over the years to become the world's largest network. The Internet is the backbone of our modern world and has had a profound impact on the way we live and do business.