You may have heard that there are three things you should do to maintain good health and fitness, food, exercise, and sleep. But what does this mean? What does each of these activities have to do with each other? And how can you achieve the perfect balance of all three? This article will show you how to eat well, work out regularly, and get plenty of rest so that you can live as healthy and happy as possible. And don’t worry—if you’re not doing any of these things now, it’s never too late to start!

Tips for Better Sleep
The first thing you should do is set a schedule. Go to bed at around the same time every night—even on weekends. This signals your body that it’s time for rest, which helps get you into sleep mode faster. The second is finding out what kind of sleeper you are. Some people take longer than others to fall asleep, so don’t feel bad if it takes some time before you settle in for an evening nap. Other people can drift off in seconds no matter how much they have going on during their day or how loud their environment is; maybe getting seven or eight hours of Zs just comes easy for them.

Best Sources of Fruits & Vegetables
Since fruits and vegetables make up a significant portion of your daily caloric intake, it’s important to know where to get them. The best sources are fresh foods that you grow yourself or buy from local farmers markets. This way you’ll know exactly how they were grown—you can even ask farmers how they were treated! For example, did they spray pesticides on their produce? If so, what kinds? Buying fresh is important because fresh produce has less risk for being contaminated with harmful bacteria than something that may have been sitting on store shelves for days or weeks. As long as you wash your fruits and veggies thoroughly before eating them, they should be just fine.

Most Effective Exercises
While aerobic exercises such as walking, running or swimming are good for your heart and keep your heart rate up for longer periods of time, when it comes to shedding fat most effectively and quickly is through resistance training. These include strength training using barbells or dumbbells or body weight training with calisthenics. Resistance training has been shown time after time in studies to burn more calories than aerobic exercise when comparing individuals doing low intensity versus high intensity exercise. This is because lifting weights requires muscle contractions that not only require energy but also contribute significantly to an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR). Exercising regularly will not just help you burn more calories but also help you lose weight faster by raising BMR substantially.

How to achieve a healthy balance of food, exercise, and sleep

Food Substitutions for Healthier Eating
In order to decrease your calorie intake while still eating healthily, try substituting some ingredients in recipes. For example, use applesauce instead of oil when baking cookies or banana in smoothies. Not only are these foods naturally low in calories (meaning you can eat more), but they provide fiber too! In fact, bananas offer four grams per 100-gram serving, which is about what an entire cup of cooked spinach has. Bananas also have potassium—about 400 mg per serving—which is good for your heart. And if you’re afraid that it will make your food taste like bananas? It won’t.

Best Morning Routine
What does an effective morning routine look like? If you’re asking that question, then you probably don’t have one. Figuring out what works for you is half the battle. Getting more sleep is another good way to start your day off on a high note—not only will it help you feel alert throughout your workday, but studies show getting enough shut-eye can also lead to better long-term health. And while early bird might get some worms, waking up at 5:00 AM isn’t necessarily going to make you more productive or healthier—in fact, it could do just the opposite. Researchers have found that natural light can boost our mood in mere minutes.

Benefits of Determining Your Ideal Weight
I’ve written before about how sometimes it’s not just what you eat but how much you eat that matters. One way to determine if your eating habits are right for your body is by calculating your ideal weight based on your height and age. When you know what an appropriate amount of calories looks like for you (or better yet, when you have a goal calorie number in mind), it’s easier to make sure that none go wasted. The same principle applies with exercise: If you have an established time slot or target heart rate range each day, then it’s easier to ensure none of your workouts slip by without being logged. And with both exercise and eating habits, consistency counts!

Best Food Preparation Methods
For best results, always choose fresh ingredients over canned or frozen varieties. Canned foods are often loaded with sodium or sugar—both bad for your health. Frozen foods can be healthier because they’re typically picked at their peak ripeness level before shipping. But some foods don’t freeze well so always check on that product’s packaging first. When it comes to meats, organic is best since hormones and pesticides are often used in non-organic animal production methods. Preparing foods yourself is also beneficial because you can control how much salt or sugar you put into your meals.

Tips for Healthy Eating at Restaurants
With more than 40 percent of Americans eating out on any given day—and with statistics suggesting that much of it is consumed outside regular meal times—the restaurant industry’s worth has now surpassed that of supermarkets. That’s good news for today’s dieters. The conventional wisdom has long been that it’s easier to make good choices when dining out (as opposed to ordering in), but new research suggests that such rules may be outdated. Today's diners can choose from dozens of diet-friendly menu items offered by restaurants large and small.