The guidelines below include a lot of examples of how to use make and made in a sentence. There are also some examples of how to use it when it's not applicable. I encourage you to take a look at the examples and use your best judgment in deciding when to use make and when to use made.
Make and made are two ways to say to make something. They are often used to describe actions and objects. For example, you can say to make cookies, or to make a sandwich. You can also use them to describe the state of something.
Make and made are adjectives that describe when something is made or made up. This can be as simple as making a cake or as complex as making up a story. Make and made are often used as verbs, which describe specific actions of making, such as making a cake or making a mess. In a sentence, make and made are often used together, such as: I made the cake myself.
Make is a verb that means “to produce a thing.” This is an example of a simple verb. We can also make mistakes when we use make. 
I like to make things. I like to make things that other people can use too.

best of make and made difference

The best of make and the made difference. This is the famous quote of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. He is known to have said it when asked about the difference between the old version and the new version of I phone. The best of is used when there are two or more choices that are both correct or both wrong.
This lesson is all about the best ways to make use of the Make function and the made function to make a meaningful difference in your code. It's also the case that you can use both of these functions to make your code better. Let's get started! We'll start with the best way to use Make, which is to make small, specific changes to your code.
For many years, the best way to make a difference was to make things. Today, the best way to make a difference is to make things better. This is the central lesson of the Maker Movement, which is spreading around the world. The Maker Movement is a call to action for makers of all kinds to come together and build a better world, one maker at a time.
The best of make and made difference. The best of make and made difference. The best of make and made difference. The best of make and made difference.
The best of make and the made difference. This is the challenge facing today's businesses. Your customers expect a seamless experience. They want to order a pizza and receive it.